amanda cross   (1926-2003) 
     misdaadschrijfster  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1964 - 2002
17 romans en verhalen van amanda cross
1964 : in the last analysis
1967 : the james joyce murder
1970 : poetic justice
1972 : the theban mysteries
1976 : the question of max
1978 : a death in the faculty
1981 : death in a tenured position
1984 : sweet death, kind death
1986 : no word from winifred
1989 : a trap for fools
1990 : the players come again
1995 : an imperfect spy
1997 : the collected stories
1998 : the puzzled heart
2000 : honest doubt
2002 : the edge of doom
???? : death in a tenured position