andrew m. greeley (1928) 
     misdaadschrijver  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1980 - 2007
43 romans en verhalen van andrew m. greeley
1980 : death in april
1985 : happy are the meek
1985 : virgin and martyr
1986 : angels of september
1986 : happy are the clean of heart
1986 : happy are those who thirst for justice
1987 : patience of a saint
1987 : rite of spring
1988 : angel fire
1989 : love song
1989 : st. valentine's night
1990 : the cardinal virtues
1990 : all about women
1992 : happy are the merciful
1993 : happy are the peace makers
1994 : happy are the poor in spirit
1994 : irish gold
1995 : happy are those who mourn
1996 : happy are the oppressed
1996 : irish lace