d.r. meredith (1944) 
     misdaadschrijfster  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1984 - 2006
18 romans en verhalen van d.r. meredith
1984 : the sheriff and the panhandle murders
1985 : the sheriff and the branding iron murder
1987 : the sheriff and the folsom man murders
1988 : murder by impulse
1989 : murder by deception
1990 : murder by masquerade
1991 : murder by reference
1993 : the reckoning
1993 : murder by sacrilege
1993 : the sheriff and the pheasant hunt murder
1993 : a time too late
1994 : the homefront murders
2000 : by hook or by book
2000 : murder in volume
2001 : a woman's place: and other mysterious ta
2001 : murder past due
2005 : tome of death
2006 : murder by the book