ellis peters   (1913-1995) 
     detectiveschrijfster  ||  gbr  ||   meest aktief van 1959 - 1995
45 romans en verhalen van ellis peters
1951 : fallen into the pit
1959 : death mask
1960 : the will and the deed
1961 : death and the joyful woman
1962 : funeral of figaro
1964 : flight of a witch
1965 : a nice derangement of epitaphs
1966 : the piper on the mountain
1967 : black is the colour of my true-love's he
1968 : the grass-widow's tale
1969 : mourning raga
1969 : the house of green turf
1970 : the knocker on death's door
1972 : death to the landlords!
1973 : city of gold and shadows
1974 : the horn of roland
1976 : never pick up hitch-hikers!
1977 : a morbid taste for bones
1978 : rainbow's end
1979 : one corpse too many