h.r.f. keating (1926) 
     misdaadschrijver  ||  gbr  ||   meest aktief van 1959 - 2007
48 romans en verhalen van h.r.f. keating
1959 : death and the visiting firemen
1960 : zen there was murder
1961 : a rush on the ultimate
1962 : the dog it was that died
1963 : death of a fat god
1964 : the perfect murder
1965 : is skin-deep, is fatal
1966 : inspector ghote's good crusade
1967 : inspector ghote caught in meshes
1968 : inspector ghote hunts the peacock
1969 : inspector ghote breaks an egg
1969 : inspector ghote plays a joker
1971 : inspector ghote goes by train
1972 : inspector ghote trusts the heart
1974 : bats fly up for inspector ghote
1975 : a remarkable case of burglary
1976 : filmi, filmi, inspector ghote
1976 : murder by death
1979 : inspector ghote draws a line
1980 : the murder of the maharajah