j.a. jance (1944) 
     thrillerschrijfster  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1985 - 2007
35 romans en verhalen van j.a. jance
1985 : until proven guilty
1986 : injustice for all
1986 : trial by fury
1987 : taking the fifth
1988 : a more perfect union
1988 : improbable cause
1989 : dismissed with prejudice
1990 : hour of the hunter
1990 : minor in possession
1991 : payment in kind
1992 : without due process
1993 : failure to appear
1993 : desert heat
1994 : tombstone courage
1994 : lying in wait
1995 : name witheld
1995 : shoot/don't shoot
1996 : dead to rights
1997 : skeleton canyon
1998 : rattlesnake crossing