margaret millar   (1915-1994) 
     misdaadschrijfster  ||  can  ||   meest aktief van 1941 - 1986
25 romans en verhalen van margaret millar
1941 : the invisible worm
1942 : the weak-eyed bat
1942 : the devil loves me
1943 : wall of eyes
1944 : fire will freeze
1945 : the iron gates
1947 : experiment in springtime
1949 : the cannibal heart
1950 : do evil in return
1952 : vanish in an instant
1952 : rose's last summer
1955 : a beast in view
1957 : an air that kills
1959 : the listening walls
1960 : a stranger in my grave
1962 : how like an angel
1964 : the fiend
1970 : beyond this point are monsters
1976 : ask for me tomorrow
1979 : the murder of miranda