velda johnston   (1911-1997) 
     thrillerschrijfster  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1968 - 1991
33 romans en verhalen van velda johnston
1968 : a howling in the woods
1968 : house above hollywood
1968 : along a dark path
1969 : i came to a castle
1970 : the light in the swamp
1971 : the phantom cottage
1971 : the face in the shadows
1971 : the people on the hill
1972 : the late mrs. fonsell
1972 : the mourning trees
1973 : masquerade in venice
1973 : the white pavilion
1974 : i came to the highlands
1975 : a room with dark mirrors
1975 : the house on the left bank
1976 : the frenchman
1976 : deveron hall
1977 : the etruscan smile
1978 : the hour before midnight
1979 : the people from the sea