yaphet kotto 
     filmacteur  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1965 - 1997
41 films met yaphet kotto gevonden
1982 : fighting back
1983 : for love and honor
1983 : the star chamber
1985 : badge of the assassin
1985 : the park is mine
1985 : warning sign
1986 : eye of the tiger
1986 : harem
1987 : hollow point
1987 : running man
1987 : desperado
1987 : in self defense
1987 : prettykill
1988 : midnight run
1989 : prime target
1990 : after the shock
1991 : hangfire
1992 : intent to kill
1992 : chrome soldiers
1994 : the corpse had a familiar face