bud spencer 
     filmacteur  ||  ita  ||   meest aktief van 1969 - 1993
20 films met bud spencer gevonden
1969 : ace high
1969 : boot hill
1969 : god forgives, i don't
1970 : the five man army
1971 : today we kill, tomorrow we die
1972 : trinity is still my name
1972 : the fifth day of peace
1972 : they call me trinity
1973 : it can be done, amigo
1973 : all the way boys
1974 : a reason to live, a reason to die
1974 : massacre at fort holman
1976 : crime busters
1976 : flatfoot
1978 : charleston
1978 : odds and evens
1978 : pari e dispari
1982 : go for it
1982 : the sheriff and the satellite kid
1987 : aladdin