richard benjamin (1938) 
     filmproducer/acteur  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1953 - 2003
31 films met richard benjamin gevonden
1953 : thunder over the plains
1954 : crime wave
1969 : goodbye, columbus
1970 : catch-22
1970 : diary of a mad housewife
1971 : marriage of a young stockbroker th
1971 : the steagle
1972 : portnoy's complaint
1973 : the last of sheila
1973 : westworld
1975 : the sunshine boys
1978 : no room to run
1978 : house calls
1979 : love at first bite
1979 : scavenger hunt
1979 : how to beat the high cost of livin
1980 : the last married couple in america
1980 : first family
1981 : saturday the 14th
1982 : my favorite year