bruce cockburn (1945) 
     singer/songwriter  ||  can  ||   meest aktief van 1969 - 2003
24 lps/cds van bruce cockburn gevonden
 bekijk 18 bijbehorende hoezen
1969 : bruce cockburn
1971 : high winds, white sky
1972 : sunwheel dance
1973 : night vision
1974 : salt, sun and time
1975 : joy will find a way
1976 : in the falling dark
1977 : circles in the stream
1978 : further adventures of
1979 : dancing in the dragon's jaws
1980 : humans
1982 : inner city front
1983 : the trouble with normal
1984 : stealing fire
1986 : world of wonders
1988 : big circumstance
1990 : live
1991 : nothing but a burning light
1993 : christmas
1994 : dart to the heart