taj mahal (1942) 
     popartiest  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1967 - 2005
32 lps/cds van taj mahal gevonden
1967 : taj mahal
1968 : the natch'l blues
1969 : giant step/de ole folks at home
1971 : happy just to be like i am
1971 : the real thing
1972 : recycling the blues
1972 : sounder
1973 : ooh so good'n blues
1974 : mo' roots
1975 : music keeps me together
1976 : brothers
1976 : satisfied and tickled too
1977 : music fuh ya'
1978 : evolution the most recent
1979 : live and direct
1986 : taj
1991 : like never before
1993 : dancing the blues
1993 : world music
1995 : mumtaz mahal