billy joel (1949) 
     popartiest  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1971 - 1997
53 singles van billy joel gevonden
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1972 : nocturne
1972 : everybody loves you now
1972 : tomorrow is today
1974 : piano man
1974 : the entertainer
1974 : travelin' prayer
1974 : worse comes to worst
1976 : james
1978 : just the way you are
1978 : my life
1978 : only the good die young
1978 : she's always a woman
1979 : honesty
1979 : big shot
1980 : all for leyna
1980 : don't ask me why
1980 : c'etait toi
1980 : it's still rock and roll to me
1980 : sometimes a fantasy
1980 : you may be right