blues project 
     popgroep  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1965 - 1967
14 songs van blues project gevonden
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1965 : back door man : blues project
1965 : violets of dawn : blues project
1966 : catch the wind : blues project
1966 : i want to be your driver : blues project
1966 : spoonful : blues project
1967 : gentle dreams : blues project
1967 : goin' down louisiana : blues project
1967 : i can't keep from crying : blues project
1967 : lost in the shuffle : blues project
1967 : no time like the right time : blues project
1967 : steve's song : blues project
1967 : the way my baby walks : blues project
1967 : wake me shake me : blues project
1967 : where there's smoke there's fire : blues project