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can't judge a book
23 verschillende versies door diversen
1962 : you can't judge a book by the cover : bo diddley
1964 : you can't judge a book by its cover : merseybeats
1965 : you can't judge a book by the cover : bintangs
1965 : you can't judge a book by looking at the cover : john hammond
1965 : you can't judge a book by looking at the cover : liverbirds
1966 : you can't judge a book (by the cover) : shadows of knight
1966 : you can't tell a book by the cover : tom rush
1970 : you can't judge a book by the cover : cactus
1972 : you can't judge a book by the cover : tim hardin
1975 : you can't judge a book by the cover : hot vultures
1977 : you can't judge a book by the cover : patti labelle
1979 : you can't judge a book by looking at the cover : crawdaddys
1979 : you can't judge a book : orion
1981 : you can't judge a book by looking at the cover : yardbirds
1986 : you can't judge a book by the cover : roy buchanan
1987 : you can't judge a book by looking at the cover : monkees
1991 : you can't judge a book by it's cover : mark leeman
1991 : can't judge a book : thee headcoats
1994 : you can't judge a book by the cover : dave kelly
2002 : you can't judge a book by the cover : michael burks