peter smid 
     houseband-zanger/gitarist  ||  ned  ||   meest aktief van 1975 - 2003
38 songs door peter smid geschreven
Sorteer de songs op jaarvolgorde
hot enuff : houseband
houseparty : houseband
in town : time bandits
live music : houseband
love's gonna getcha : houseband
natural thing : houseband
only lovers will survive : time bandits
pamela : vitesse
pirana paradise : houseband
ride in the country : houseband
save it till you're in my arms : floor van zutphen
so mixed up : houseband
sucker for your funk : houseband
the higher you climb : houseband
the mambo : houseband
time is right : houseband
too tired to love you : houseband
you can't beat me : herman brood