erwin hoorweg 
     houdini's-pianist  ||  ned  ||   meest aktief van 1992 - 2012
30 songs door erwin hoorweg geschreven
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50/50 partnership : kaz lux
cathedral square : kaz lux
chain reaction : kaz lux
chasin' the general i : houdini's
chasin' the general iii : houdini's
chasin' the general iv : houdini's
choosing means losing : houdini's
dances with rolf's : ugly white belly
genesis : kaz lux
get me there on time : kaz lux
loco-motion : houdini's
mary lou : houdini's
mr. keaton : houdini's
next door to alice : houdini's
no more yesterdays : houdini's
not funny : houdini's
nothing but a memory : ugly white belly
old and fashioned : houdini's
patient lady : kaz lux
pega pega : ugly white belly