valensia (1972) 
     popmusicus  ||  ned  ||   meest aktief van 1993 - 1998
36 songs door valensia geschreven
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never eyes : valensia
scaraboushka : valensia
tango tamara : valensia
tere : valensia
the barely acceptable truth of knowing (instr.) : valensia
the barely acceptable truth of knowing (part 2) : valensia
the beating of my heart : valensia
the cassiopeian : valensia
the first one : valensia
the masquerade : valensia
the polka : valensia
the sun : valensia
the sun (mediterrean version) : valensia
thunderbolt : valensia
t'kylah : valensia
t'kylah ii : valensia