eric clapton (1945) 
     bluesrock-gitarist  ||  gbr  ||   meest aktief van 1965 - 2010
114 songs door eric clapton geschreven
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ain't going down : eric clapton
another ticket : eric clapton
anyone for tennis : cream
back home : eric clapton
bad boy : eric clapton
bad love : eric clapton
badge : cream
behind the sun : eric clapton
believe in life : eric clapton
bell bottom blues : derek and the dominos
better make it through today : eric clapton
black summer rain : eric clapton
blues power : eric clapton
bottle of red wine : eric clapton
broken hearted : eric clapton
carnival : eric clapton
catch me if you can : eric clapton
circus : eric clapton
cold turkey : eric clapton
don't blame me : eric clapton