e.m.a. radford 
     edwin radford & mona mangan  ||  gbr  ||   meest aktief van 1944 - 1972
38 romans en verhalen van e.m.a. radford
1944 : murder jigsaw
1944 : inspector manson's success
1945 : crime pays no dividends
1946 : murder isn't cricket
1947 : it's murder to live
1947 : who killed dick whittington?
1949 : john kyleing died
1950 : the heel of achilles
1956 : look in at murder
1957 : death on the broads
1958 : the six men
1959 : married to murder
1959 : death of a frightened editor
1960 : murder on my conscience
1960 : death at the chateau noir
1961 : death's inheritance
1961 : death and the professor
1962 : death takes the wheel
1962 : from information received
1963 : a cosy little murder