otis redding   (1941-1967) 
     r&b/popzanger  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1964 - 1967
15 verzamelaars van otis redding gevonden
1972 : the best of otis redding
1981 : try a little tenderness
1987 : the otis redding story (3cd)
1992 : it's not just sentimental
1993 : good to me
1996 : very best of
???? : the ultimate otis redding
???? : the heart & soul of..
???? : the heart & soul of..
???? : the dock of the bay
???? : otis! - the definitive - 4
???? : otis! - the definitive - 3
???? : otis! - the definitive - 2
???? : otis! - the definitive - 1
???? : otis blue/otis redding sings soul