byrds   (1965-1972) 
     countryrock-groep  ||  usa  ||   meest aktief van 1965 - 1972
130 songs van byrds gevonden
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(is this) my destiny : byrds
2001 space odyssey : byrds
2-4-2 foxtrot (the lear jet song) : byrds
5 d (fifth dimension) : byrds
absolute happiness : byrds
all i really want to do : byrds
amazing grace : byrds
america's great national pastime : byrds
armstrong, aldrin and collins : byrds
artifical energy : byrds
artificial energy : byrds
b.j. blues (in medley) : byrds
bad night at the whiskey : byrds
ballad of easy rider : byrds
blue canadian rockies : byrds
c.t.a. 102 : byrds
candy : byrds
captain soul : byrds
change is now : byrds
chestnut mare : byrds