henk bruysten 
     echte naam van hank the knife  ||  ned  ||   meest aktief van 1972 - 1975
27 songs door henk bruysten geschreven
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apache (in medley) : hank the knife
atlantis : hank the knife
catharina serenade : hank the knife
crazy cats : hank the knife
crazy guitar medley : hank the knife
ennio : hank the knife
ghost riders in the sky (in medley) : hank the knife
ghost town : hank the knife
guitar king : hank the knife
home : hank the knife
i don't want my liquer no more : hank the knife
johnny & honey : hank the knife
johnny guitar (in medley) : hank the knife
johnny silent : hank the knife
mr. dynamite : hank the knife
much too late : hank the knife
rebel rouser (in medley) : hank the knife
return of the knife : hank the knife
sillie willie : hank the knife
silly willy : hank the knife