ian hunter (1946) 
     mott the hoople-zanger  ||  gbr  ||   meest aktief van 1969 - 2009
15 songs door ian hunter geschreven
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backsliding fearlessly : mott the hoople
death may be your santa claus : mott the hoople
i can feel : mott the hoople
jerkin' crocus : mott the hoople
midnight lady : mott the hoople
momma's little jewel : mott the hoople
no wheels to ride : mott the hoople
one of the boys : mott the hoople
sea diver : mott the hoople
ships : ian hunter
sucker : mott the hoople
sweet angeline : mott the hoople
the moon upstairs : mott the hoople
the wheel of the quivering meat conception : mott the hoople
walkin' with a mountain : mott the hoople